After a COVID-induced hiatus in 2020, it’s great to be again conducting open mornings at stables. On Sunday June 27 we will be hosting another Joe Pride open day where a selection of yearlings will be paraded along with stable favourites like PRIVATE EYE, INVINCIANO, STOCKMAN and SNIPPY FOX.

Breakfast and beverages will be provided as will an assortment of the latest Proven Thoroughbreds merchandise (lapel pins, cufflinks and handbag charms/pendants).

This is your chance to meet Joe and all his staff, Jamie and Tom Walter of Proven Thoroughbreds, and of course the horses!

Family and friends are all welcome to attend.


Place: Joe Pride Stables, opposite 1 Stroud St, WARWICK FARM

Time: 9.30am

Parading: A selection of yearlings purchased this year

RSVP: or 0418 281 447

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